Leukocytes in a smear in women - the norm in the table and the reasons for increased values

Elevated leukocytes in a smear are an indicator of the inflammatory process in the genitals. In women, the norm of leukocytes is as follows: up to 15-20 (in the urethra up to 5, in the vagina up to 10 and in the cervix up to 20 units). The number of leukocytes in a vaginal smear increases sharply to 30-40 and 50 during inflammation (colpitis, vaginitis). The more of them there are in the smear, the more acute the disease. In case of an acute inflammatory process or STI, the leukocytes in the results of a smear for flora are quite elevated - “up to 50-100 in the field of view” or “leukocytes completely cover all fields of view.”

Assessment of leukocyte reaction in smear microscopy:

• no leukocytes, units. in p/z.; • up to 10 in p/z. - a small amount of; • 10 - 15 in p/z. - moderate amount; • 30 – 50 in p/z. and more - a large number; • 100 or more - leukocytes in the smear completely cover the visual field.

Moderate, large amounts and continuous coverage are assessed as signs of an inflammatory response of varying severity.

Causes of elevated white blood cells in a smear

A high number of leukocytes in a smear (more than 40-50), as mentioned above, in women is usually associated with an inflammatory process in the urogenital area (depending on the place of collection - in the vagina, cervix, urethra). Under what pathological conditions in gynecology does this analysis result occur?

Most often, leukocytosis in a smear occurs in the following diseases: * Colpitis - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, * Cervicitis - inflammation of the cervical canal, * Urethritis - inflammation of the urethra, * Endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa, * Adnexitis - inflammation of the uterine appendages, * Oncological diseases of the genital organs , * Sexually transmitted infections, * Dysbacteriosis of the vagina and intestines.

To find out the cause of leukocytosis, the gynecologist will prescribe clarifying tests (PCR, cultures). They can be taken from different locations, depending on the complaints and clinical picture. It is possible to take material from the following places: “U” - urethra, “C” - cervix, “V” - vagina, “R” - rectum, “O” - oropharynx.

Leukocytes in a smear in virgin girls

Inflammatory processes in the genital tract occur not only in girls and women who are sexually active. Various diseases, including those of an infectious nature, can be transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also through household contact (shared objects, violations of intimate hygiene, etc.). Therefore, leukocytosis in a smear can occur in children, teenage girls and virgins who have not had traditional sexual relations. To find out its causes, tests are also taken.

Taking a smear, PCR and culture for diagnosis from a virgin is carried out in the same way as for women who are sexually active. However, a gynecological speculum is not used; material is taken from the vagina through an opening in the hymen using special thin soft probes. According to indications and at will, material is taken for examination from the urethra and other localizations. The collection procedure, carried out by our gynecologists, is absolutely painless, damage to the hymen is excluded!

Woman doctor

Do you want to know the answer to a question?

“Causes of leukocytes in a smear?”

Find out what tests you need to take for infections

White blood cells are elevated, but there is no infection

A very common situation! You need to know clearly that if there are a lot of leukocytes in a smear, the cause is a sexually transmitted infection. A smear simply does not reveal it - its diagnostic value is limited to a narrow range of microbes studied. A significant list of possible infections, which are the causes of elevated white blood cells in a smear, can only be identified by other methods for diagnosing vaginal discharge (PCR, culture, and ELISA blood test). Your gynecologist should tell you about this and refer you for an appropriate examination!

Possible methods for diagnosing the causes of high leukocytosis:

StrokesPCRSTDPCR 12 18
FlorocenosisCytologyTumor markerNASBA

☛ Thus, to clarify the cause of the increase in leukocytes in a smear in women, it is necessary to conduct appropriate laboratory examinations - PCR tests, cultures. If you are interested in taking all the necessary tests, you can contact us at the gynecology department at any time the clinic is open. Ready time 1-2 days. You can make an appointment by calling +7(495)790-0779 or online on the website.

Detailed description of the study

Check-up for women is an extended comprehensive examination of a woman’s urogenital tract using a gynecological and cytological smear.

A gynecological flora smear is a simple and quick laboratory method for studying the normal and pathogenic flora of the female reproductive system under a microscope; it allows you to detect an inflammatory process in the vagina, urethra, and cervical canal. Microscopic examination determines the composition of the microflora of a woman’s genitourinary organs (urethra, vagina and cervical canal), the number of leukocytes, epithelial cells and their ratio, the amount of mucus and the morphological type of bacteria, and also allows us to identify a number of specific pathogens, such as Trichomonas and gonococci.

A comprehensive quantitative test for the detection of sexually transmitted pathogens (STIs) is carried out using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method - the most sensitive and specific method for diagnosing infectious diseases.

Chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and trichomoniasis are infectious diseases with similar symptoms: as a rule, they cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genitourinary and reproductive systems. In the absence of timely treatment, they become chronic, adversely affect the course of pregnancy, and can cause female and male infertility. Transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy. Women may remain asymptomatic for a long time. In addition, atypical forms of these diseases are becoming increasingly common: for example, gonococci can affect the mucous membranes of the oropharynx and intestines, the conjunctiva of the eyes, and chlamydia can cause inflammatory diseases of the joints, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Genital herpes is a chronic disease caused by herpes viruses type I and/or type II . Symptoms of genital herpes include painful rashes, erosions, ulcers, accompanied by itching on the skin in the genital area or on the mucous membrane, but up to 70% of cases of transmission of the virus occur with asymptomatic disease. After infection, symptoms of the disease may appear periodically due to stress and reduced immunity.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV, human herpesvirus type V) is the causative agent of a chronic infectious disease (cytomegalovirus infection). In most cases, the disease is asymptomatic, manifesting itself in immunity disorders: the virus infects cells of various types, including blood cells that form the human immune system. CMV infection is especially dangerous during pregnancy.

Human papillomaviruses (HPV) types 16 and 18 are the causative agents of human papillomavirus infection. The disease is often characterized by the appearance of the so-called. anogenital warts on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs. HPV types 16 and 18 have a high oncogenic potential (the ability to cause cancer).

Ureaplasma urealiticum, Mycoplasma hominis, Gardnerella vaginalis are classified as opportunistic microorganisms: normally they can be present in small quantities in the urogenital tract. When local immunity is impaired, for example, during a relapse of genital herpes, the surface of the mucous membrane is damaged, creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of opportunistic bacteria. Because of this, the inflammatory process begins, nonspecific discharge, pain when urinating, and itching appear.

Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida may be present in small quantities as part of the normal microflora of the oral cavity, vagina and colon. Inflammatory changes (candidiasis, thrush) are a consequence of the active proliferation of fungi, which may be associated with taking certain medications, a reduced level of immunity, or changes in the normal composition of the microflora due to the development of sexually transmitted infections.

Determining the amount of Lactobacillus spp is mandatory for assessing women's health . (lactobacteria) , which are part of the normal microflora of the vagina. A decrease in their number indicates microflora disturbances and the development of a pathological process, for example, bacterial vaginosis.

Liquid cytology is a modern high-tech standardized method for studying the condition of the cervix, a reliable method for early diagnosis of precancerous changes and cancer.

Treatment of leukocytes in a smear

Based on the results of a complete comprehensive diagnosis, our gynecologist individually selects a treatment regimen for the inflammatory process. It is a full examination that will reveal the true reason why there are many leukocytes in the smear and treatment in this case will be effective. It is TREATMENT , and not treatment until the next exacerbation, as happens in most cases.

Rarely, there is a situation where good treatment has been carried out, but the leukocytes in the smear remain elevated. This is one of the most difficult problems to solve. It seems that in such cases this is due to dysbiosis at the level of the vagina and cervix. Even multiple courses of antibiotic therapy often do not help; infections after treatment with antibiotics may also not be detected. And the leukocytes in the smear are elevated and remain at a high level. In such cases, it is recommended to periodically conduct courses of local sanitation (suppositories with antibacterial components) and persistently fight to maintain normal intestinal microflora.

2. Causes of ovarian inflammation

Pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora in most cases is the cause of the onset of the inflammatory process, the primary focus of which can be localized in the adjacent genital organs (fallopian tubes and the uterus itself). In clinical analysis of a vaginal smear, streptococci, staphylococci, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydial infection, and gonococci are most often detected. Alone, conditionally pathogenic flora usually does not lead to inflammation - oophoritis in most cases is a consequence of associated infections spreading upward from the vagina, uterus or cervix.

Under normal conditions, even the presence of an infection in the genital tract does not lead to the onset of inflammation, since the ovaries have reliable protection. The onset of oophoritis is usually caused by a combination of two factors: pathogenic flora and background conditions that reduce resistance to it. Factors that increase the risk of ovarian inflammation are:

  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • past and chronic gynecological diseases;
  • long-term use of an intrauterine device;
  • surgical interventions on the genital organs, diagnostic procedures related to the expansion of the cervical canal, abortion, childbirth;
  • decreased general resistance of the body, hypothermia, stress, chronic fatigue.

Visit our Gynecology page

What else is prescribed with this study?

Liquid cytology of cervical and cervical canal scrapings (SurePath FocalPoint)

14.13. Scraping 3 days

1,380 som Add to cart

Femoflor Screen (Study of the microflora of the urogenital tract in women, 12 indicators), scraping

50.2.2087. Scraping 3 days

2,100 som Add to cart

Femoflor-16 (Study of microflora of the urogenital tract in women, 16 indicators), scraping

27.39. Scraping 3 days

2,200 som Add to cart

Florocenosis (Study of microflora of the urogenital tract and diagnosis of STIs in women), scraping

28.92. Scraping 3 days

1,860 som Add to cart

What diseases can cause an increase in leukocytes in the cervix

A change in discharge is considered one of the signals that the level of white blood cells has increased. The secretion from the mucous membranes of the genital organs becomes cheesy and has a not very pleasant smell. Also symptoms are: pain in the pelvic cavity, itching and burning in the genitals, failure of the frequency of menstruation. An increase in the content of leukocytes in the cervix may well mean the existence of disorders in the organs of the genitourinary system, such as inflammation of the cervical canal (cervicitis). If you do not begin to get rid of this problem in time, it will provoke erosion of the cervix, which in the future will cause infertility. During cervicitis, with a high level of white blood cells, the following symptoms are characteristic: frequent pain in the lower abdominal region; discomfort during sexual intercourse; itching in the genitourinary system.

Symptoms and signs of increased white blood cells in the cervix

If a person experiences an increase or decrease in the number of leukocytes, then this condition will certainly affect the entire body. If there is a large number of leukocytes, a woman may feel the following symptoms in her genitourinary system:

  1. Difficulty in bowel movements and urination;
  2. Itching in the genital area;
  3. Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  4. Feelings of pain in the anus and pelvis.

increased white blood cells in the cervix

If there is an increased number of leukocytes in the body, then the woman notices problems with menstruation. A curd-like discharge is observed from the vagina in large quantities.

Most women with this kind of problem report that even with an active sex life they are unable to have a child. At the same time, in medicine one can find numerous cases in which the presence of a large number of leukocytes does not manifest itself in any way. In fact, this condition is quite dangerous, since there is no way to timely determine the presence of infectious diseases and inflammatory processes occurring in the cervix, as well as the internal organs located next to it.

If, when taking a smear from a woman’s cervix, a large number of leukocytes were detected, this may indicate the presence of a number of diseases, which include the following:

  1. Cancers of the urogenital organs;
  2. Fungal infections;
  3. Andexit;
  4. Urethritis;
  5. Colpitis;
  6. Venereal diseases;
  7. Dysbacteriosis.

In almost any disease of the genitourinary system, an increased number of leukocytes can be observed, in this case cervicitis will not be an exception.
If timely treatment is not started in the presence of the cervical canal, the disease will become chronic and can cause cervical erosion, dysplasia and the inability to have children. The main distinguishing feature of this disease is that it often does not manifest itself, but in some situations there are still certain symptoms of cervicitis. A woman may experience pain, burning and itching, and discomfort during sex in the genital area and abdomen. You need to understand that inflammation of the cervical canal can occur as a result of the following factors:

  1. Deformation of the cervix as a result of abortion;
  2. Low immune system;
  3. Irregular menstrual cycle;
  4. Stressful situations.
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