Ultrasound of congenital dysplasia of the hip joints (lecture at Diagnostic)
The hip joint consists of the head of the femur and the acetabulum. The acetabulum is formed by the iliac
Uzi submachine gun
Ultrasound submachine gun: history and modifications of UZI, design, performance characteristics
Almost immediately after the formation of the country of Israel, its citizens had to take up arms to protect
Deformations of the ovum and developmental abnormalities
The fertilized egg is the embryo along with the embryonic membranes. The period of formation of the fertilized egg is
12th week of pregnancy
12th week of pregnancy: what happens this week?
Now you have already reached the 11-12 week mark of pregnancy. Is this a lot or a little? Doctors
viral pneumonia
Home rehabilitation after pneumonia. How to recover faster
What inhalations should you do at home to quickly restore damaged lungs after pneumonia? Should I drink?
Ultrasound of veins and vessels of the lower extremities
Ultrasound Dopplerography of the veins of the lower extremities (USDG)
Identify blood clots, inflammations of various types and thoroughly examine the structure of blood vessels, as well as the lower veins
X-ray of the lungs for pneumonia is a mandatory diagnostic step
What parasites are typical for humans and how does infection occur? Parasitic lung diseases are caused by parasites,
Nutrition for a pregnant woman at 23 weeks of gestation
Wonderful 23rd week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby, the baby’s height and weight, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound
Baby's movements at 23 weeks So, you are 23 weeks pregnant. Fetal development on
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What does a DNA test establish: interpretation of results and accuracy of analysis
Genetic testing is the most popular type of modern research. DNA analysis can reveal accuracy
When is it better to do a mammogram - on what day of the cycle and at what age?
Why women should visit a mammologist About 50,000 cases of the disease are registered in Russia every year