Difference Between Testosterone and Free Testosterone

All men and women know that there is such a word as “testosterone”. All men know that this is a very important word. But not everyone, unfortunately, is fully aware of how important this hormone is, how to control and regulate it in the body. To fix this, today we’ll talk about what total testosterone and free testosterone are.

Testosterone is a steroid hormone that belongs to the androgenic group of hormones. To put it simply, it is a hormone that regulates human life processes. Its production in men occurs in the Leydig cells of the testicles. In women, natural testosterone is synthesized in small quantities by the ovaries and adrenal glands, but the bulk of it is formed by the transformation of other steroids. Men have an order of magnitude more testosterone than women, so this sex hormone is considered to be male.

Testosterone is different

Total testosterone involves the presence of free and bound testosterone. They must be distinguished.

Free testosterone is also called active; it is a hormone in its pure form, that is, a form not associated with proteins and other hormones. In the blood it is contained at a level of 1 - 4% of total testosterone. But, despite such a small share, the role of free testosterone is most significant in the processes of regulation, development of the skeleton and muscles.

Bound testosterone is called so because this fraction of the hormone is combined with proteins (more precisely, albumin, hemoglobin) or sex hormones. The associated form, in turn, can be represented by two types:

1) sex hormone binding globulin - SHBG. Its content in the blood is 60–70% testosterone. In this case, SHBG is its inactive fraction;

2) weakly bound testosterone. It forms compounds with albumin, makes up 25–40% of the blood and is partially active in certain processes.

The named forms of the hormone in their total volume form total testosterone in the blood.

You should be aware that it is not effective to measure a single parameter in clinical trials. Both the active and bound forms of the hormone are needed. Therefore, the level of both free hormone and total hormone is most often diagnosed.

Testosterone value

The fact that testosterone is a steroid hormone already indicates its importance in the life cycle of the body. We will provide information about the specific functions of the male hormone not only in the male, but also in the female body.

Without separating by gender, the general role of testosterone is the following:

  • promotes muscle development and growth, that is, it has anabolic properties;
  • necessary for the synthesis of sebum by the glands;
  • participates in the production of insulin and endorphins (hormones of happiness);
  • participates in the construction and development of skeletal bones;
  • regulates the synthesis of the transport form of fats in the blood - lipoproteins.

In addition to its general effects, testosterone has different effects on different sexes.

In men, a deviation of the testosterone concentration below the lower limit of normal is dangerous. This is fraught with a decrease in sexual desire, male libido, excessive enlargement of the mammary glands, as well as the development of a female-type figure. In addition, low testosterone levels in men can cause overweight and obesity, increasing the likelihood of diabetes and the risk of male infertility.

For women, testosterone helps reduce the size of follicles in the ovaries, and also regulates the production of gonadotropins in the adrenal glands, which play an important role in regulating the functioning of the sex glands.

When the level of the male sex hormone in women goes beyond the upper limit of normal, physiological changes of a biochemical nature are observed: an increase in hair growth similar to that of a man, impaired development of the genital organs, disruption of the regularity of the monthly cycle, changes in the skeleton. With such disorders, endocrine infertility is even possible.

Thus, the importance of testosterone is determined by its vital functions for each person. Therefore, control over the level of this hormone in the blood should not be neglected.

What is he responsible for?

Free androgen is responsible in men for:

  • presence of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • normal functioning of the reproductive organs;
  • intensive fat burning;
  • sexual desire.

At a normal level, a man is characterized by love of life, perseverance and perseverance in achieving his goals.

The concentration of free hormone increases when:

  1. intense strength exercises;

  2. sexual arousal;
  3. creative inspiration;
  4. short-term nervous tension.

A decrease in the level of active testosterone is typical after:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • taking medications, especially steroids and antibiotics;
  • intense aerobic exercise;
  • prolonged stress;
  • sexual intercourse.

As a rule, the level of free androgen is restored quite quickly after full sleep, rest or recovery. But there are factors that can significantly and permanently reduce this figure. These include:

  1. sedentary lifestyle, aggravated by obesity;
  2. alcoholism;
  3. unhealthy diet, poor in proteins and vitamins;
  4. genital injuries.

Continuous synthesis of testosterone by the testicles ensures a constant supply of it to the blood plasma , creating the prerequisites for the formation of complexes of the substance with globulin and albumin.

Diagnosis of testosterone levels

Diagnosis of total and free testosterone is carried out by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) by collecting venous blood. In this case, it is necessary to indicate what hormonal drugs the person is taking, as this will affect the results.

Most of the functions performed are ensured by the normal content and activity of free testosterone. But some work thanks to the weakly bound form of the hormone, namely the regulation of lipoprotein production. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose all forms of testosterone, as well as calculate the free testosterone index (FTI). This indicator is needed to determine androgenic status and is expressed as a percentage, determining the correlation with the active hormone.

For each form of the hormone there is a certain range of normal values ​​and a targeted effect on the body. Therefore, under no circumstances should hormone fractions be confused with each other.

Taken together, these studies make it possible to prescribe competent and correct treatment in case of deviation of male sex hormone values ​​from the norm.

Moreover, in men there is a daily change in the concentration of testosterone in the blood. Therefore, it is recommended for them to take the test in the first half of the day, when the concentration is maximum. In women, fluctuations in hormone levels occur during the monthly cycle. The highest concentration is observed during the period of ovulation, that is, in the middle of the cycle. While a woman is pregnant, testosterone levels also rise and increase as the due date approaches. During postmenopause, the level of male hormone, on the contrary, decreases.

Thus, it is quite understandable to differentiate the norms of testosterone levels in the blood of men and women of different ages.

For men 14–55 years old, the normal range is 5.76–28.14 nmol/l. For women of reproductive age, the norm is 0.45 - 3.75 nmol/l, that is, approximately 7-12 times less than in men.

But it should be noted that these are general values. In fact, there are many factors that influence the result of the analysis. Therefore, only a doctor can correctly determine the individual norm of testosterone levels in the blood.

To reduce the influence of extraneous factors on the result, you should follow some recommendations before taking the analysis:

  • the analysis must be carried out on an empty stomach;
  • you cannot drink alcohol on the eve;
  • you can only drink water without gases;
  • stop taking medications, especially hormonal ones;
  • refrain from smoking at least an hour before diagnosis;
  • do not expose the body to strong physical and emotional shocks and stress before analysis.

How to increase testosterone naturally?

The modern lifestyle does not have the best effect on the level of testosterone in the blood: abuse of bad habits, chronic lack of sleep, poor diet, low physical activity - all factors depress our health, including the production of sex hormones.

When an abnormal concentration of testosterone in the blood is detected, there is a need to bring it back to normal. Most often it is necessary to increase the level of the hormone. Of course, you can resort to medications prescribed by your doctor. But the easiest way does not mean it is the safest. First of all, we should do everything possible to increase free testosterone in natural ways that are normal for our body.

Let us analyze in detail the vital processes, by making certain adjustments, you can achieve significant success in normalizing testosterone.

Improve and prolong sleep

The release of large amounts of sex hormones in the blood occurs during deep sleep. Consequently, if such an important phase is neglected and there is constant lack of sleep, hormones are not formed to the proper extent, which leads to a decrease in their concentration.

Healthy sleep is usually 7-8 hours of sleep in silence and darkness, after which a person wakes up alert and well rested. For athletes, a greater amount of sleep is possible, 9-10 hours a day, continuously or through daytime sleep.

By aligning your routine with the ability to get good sleep, you will take a big step towards increasing testosterone. Therefore, do not underestimate such a pleasant moment as sleep.

We watch what and how we eat

The production of hormones is a complex chemical and physiological process that requires not only certain human living conditions, but also nutrients. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the importance of proper and balanced nutrition once again.

Your daily diet must include:

  • Water. Its daily consumption depends on body weight. Those who are actively involved in physical activity should drink an increased amount of water. Water should be understood as simple non-carbonated purified water, and not teas, coffee, juices and compotes;
  • Fats, carbohydrates and proteins, which have always been and will be the physiological basis of the human body. Their correct combination is necessary for internal biochemical processes, including the production of testosterone;
  • Minerals. There are a lot of them. But zinc is needed to produce testosterone. Therefore, it is necessary to control its entry into the blood in the required amount along with food or dietary supplements. Among the foods rich in zinc are seafood, fish, nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. In addition to zinc, selenium, calcium and magnesium are needed to increase the effectiveness of testosterone;
  • Vitamins. They are important and we all need them, that’s for sure. However, vitamins C, E, D, B vitamins, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 are of particular importance in order to increase the concentration of testosterone in the blood.

Based on these rules, it is easy to make a list of foods that are especially useful for men: fruits and vegetables, nuts, berries, various seafood and fish, herbs .

Undoubtedly, it is worth mentioning foods whose consumption will interfere with normal testosterone synthesis or even reduce it to zero. This:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fatty foods containing excess amounts of cholesterol, which cannot all be used to produce the hormone and contributes to excess weight and obesity;
  • fast carbohydrates, that is, baked goods, chocolate, confectionery, etc.;
  • sweetened carbonated drinks and industrial juices that contain abnormally large amounts of sugar.

It is very important not to overeat , since when there is excess food entering the body, its energy is spent on digesting it, and not on the synthesis of important hormones. Overeating leads to excess weight, the harmful effects of which on the male sex hormone are described below.

Thus, by acquiring the correct habit of rational and balanced nutrition, you can significantly improve your testosterone levels.

Normal weight

The more excess weight, the less testosterone synthesis. This is a proven fact that is explained by human physiology. You can judge from a man at first glance whether his testosterone is normal or not.

And all because fat cells contribute to the conversion of male sex hormones into female estrogens. They, in turn, reduce or eliminate testosterone synthesis. Everything is quite simple, but very serious.

Since you can’t argue with physiology, you should think about normalizing your weight so that it does not interfere with the normal production of the male hormone. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to lose weight. In addition, if you follow the previous point of recommendations, that is, with proper nutrition, excess weight will go away quite quickly and safely.

Physical activity and weight training

Men have always differed from women in their natural strength. The fact is that moderate weight loads favor the production of testosterone. Precisely moderate ones, because with illiterate training and loads, you can achieve the opposite effect.

In order to competently organize exercises with weights, you should follow simple rules:

  • The training time should contain 10 - 15 minutes for warm-up and 45 - 50 minutes for the main load. If you continue training after 45-50 minutes, the body begins to produce cortisol, that is, a catabolic hormone that is a testosterone antagonist;
  • The frequency of training should allow the muscles to recover and the body to gain new strength. Therefore, it is best to exercise 2 – 3 times a week;
  • During training, you should load your back, legs, chest, that is, large muscles. Basic strength exercises are required: deadlifts, squats, bench presses while lying down and standing;
  • the weight of the load and the number of approaches and repetitions must be selected individually, correspond to the current level of training and gradually increase it from training to training.

These are the specific recommendations that the research results led to. Follow them during training, provide the body with proper nutrition after training, and then testosterone levels will invariably rise.

Eliminate bad habits

Bad habits are bad because they don’t lead to anything good. So it is with the synthesis of testosterone: alcohol, for example, promotes the conversion of testosterone into estrogens, in addition to general harm to the body. And degrees do not play any role here. The ideal option is to completely eliminate the effects of alcohol on your body.

The role of hormone associated with globulin in the male body

Testosterone in combination with globulin does not exhibit androgenic properties and is chemically stable. However, it is necessary because it is responsible for:

  • stimulation of muscle growth, their proper formation;
  • bone density;
  • regulation of renewal and regeneration of cells of the reproductive organs, including the prostate.

The ratio of the two bound fractions in the body is maintained constant. The level of testosterone bound to globulin depends on the presence of this protein in the required amount.

Important! Globulin is produced in the liver. Therefore, men's health greatly depends on the condition of this organ.

SHBG increases when:

  • hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function);
  • fasting, vegetarian diet.

A decreases when:

  • obesity;
  • hypothyroidism (depletion of the thyroid gland);
  • taking anabolic drugs;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease (excess of corticosteroids in the body);
  • alcoholism;
  • liver diseases.

The level of testosterone globulin complex in a man’s body very much depends on the health of the endocrine glands, including the pancreas and thyroid glands.

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