Can Suprastin be taken by a nursing mother?

According to the manufacturer, Suprastin is not recommended for use during lactation, but doctors often prescribe this composition to young mothers. Such restrictions are associated with the lack of accurate information about the absorption and distribution of the drug throughout the woman’s body; it is unknown how the active substance passes into breast milk. Before using the product, you need to consult not only with an allergist and therapist, but also take into account the opinion of a pediatrician; he will be able to identify the risks present for the newborn.

When is Suprastin prescribed for breastfeeding and how does it work?

Suprastin is a popular antihistamine that eliminates signs of allergies. The product has a cumulative effect, that is, taking it for a week provides relief from the disease for 1 month - the period varies significantly depending on the susceptibility of the woman’s body.

Attention! It is not recommended for women who are breastfeeding to use Suprastin according to the instructions for use of the composition. Despite this, studies have found that the product reduces breast milk production.

The active ingredient of the drug is chloropyromine. This component is included in the general list of medications for a first aid kit that provides emergency care. This recommendation is due to the fact that the medicinal properties of the composition make it possible to relieve allergy symptoms.

medications for gw

An antihistamine is prescribed to women who are breastfeeding when they need to quickly and effectively relieve symptoms of the disease and stop an attack. It is the rapid action of the medicine that is its advantage over the newest formulations, due to this the medicine ensures the elimination of dangerous signs of allergies.

Ignoring all the advantages of the composition, in most situations where you can do without using the drug, doctors recommend choosing a safer remedy. At the same time, as prescribed by a pediatrician, the medication can be used to eliminate allergy symptoms in children starting from 1 month of life, but it is used in a small dose - no more than ¼ tablet per day.

Based on the available information, it is worth summing up: Suprastin can be taken by a nursing mother, but in case of urgent need. If long-term use of an antihistamine is indicated, experts recommend stopping breastfeeding. Prolonged penetration of the substance into the body of a newborn through breast milk is unacceptable; there is a serious risk of dangerous developmental disorders.

Instructions for use

Treatment with suprastin is carried out only as directed. The quality of lactation during therapy is closely monitored.

When the mother uses suprastin, the baby may become lethargic and drowsy.

The dose is determined by the attending physician. Take half a pill up to three times a day. The dose should be taken immediately after feeding. The concentration of the drug in milk with this approach will be the lowest.

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The risk for the baby is affected by:

  • Concentration in milk;
  • Expiration date;
  • Intolerance to components;
  • Toxicity.

Long-term use may require discontinuation of breastfeeding.

The attending physician carefully selects the optimal concentration and sequence of administration. The child's condition is carefully monitored.

List of indications

During the postpartum period, a woman’s body is weakened and unable to withstand the effects of antigens. The risk of a reaction to various natural irritants increases.

The manifestation of allergies is due to the following conditions:

  • consumption of individual foods;
  • entry of plant pollen and pet hair into the respiratory tract;
  • exposure to cosmetics and household chemicals;
  • contact with synthetic fibers and fabrics;
  • taking certain medications and vitamins;
  • exposure to sun and cold.

Before you begin treatment for an allergic reaction, you need to determine its cause. Without eliminating the trigger, treatment is impossible. It must be taken into account that all allergenic foods should be removed from the diet of a nursing woman so as not to provoke a reaction in the child.

manifestations of allergies

Suprastin is prescribed to a nursing mother if the following symptoms and diseases occur:

  • skin rash;
  • dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • reaction to plant pollen;
  • damage to the conjunctiva;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • attacks of bronchial asthma;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic reaction;
  • allergies to medications;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes.

Sometimes the drug is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of intoxication that occurs from insect bites. If the allergy manifests itself on the skin, you can use the composition in the form of an ointment for external application. The drug in this form of release can be used during lactation, when applied to the skin. The drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream, so treatment is not a reason to refuse breastfeeding.

Attention! Suprastin in the form of an ointment for external use effectively helps eliminate allergy symptoms that appear due to stress. Young mothers face this disease during the period of postpartum depression.

Why is suprastin prescribed to nursing mothers?

Suprastin is a fairly popular drug. It has been used in medical practice for more than 30 years, so we can say that this medicine has been studied quite well. Therefore, prescribing the drug to a nursing mother is not uncommon today. Suprastin, as well as tavegil, cetirizine, and the old man-loratadine, are today actively used in the treatment of allergic reactions in women during lactation.

However, the instructions for use of suprastin say that due to the lack of data from special studies, its use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated. There is also an opinion that suprastin can reduce the amount of breast milk.

It is also known that some children whose mothers took antihistamines in the last trimester of pregnancy had impaired eye development.

If you are breastfeeding and the mother is prescribed an antiallergic drug, then, if possible, it is better to give preference to a drug that allows you to achieve the desired effect during short-term use and does not have a cumulative effect. This way we will minimize the risk of transferring unwanted substances to the baby through breast milk.

Side effects

With single use, adverse reactions in response to the use of the composition appear quite rarely. Most often, the manifestation of violations is associated with long and partially uncontrolled use of the drug. The list of possible reactions includes:

  • iron deficiency anemia in women;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the hematopoietic system;
  • headache;
  • constant drowsiness and weakness, decreased concentration;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • anxiety;
  • confusion;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • various digestive disorders;
  • the appearance of a veil before the eyes;
  • muscle weakness;
  • convulsions.


Symptoms are temporary. Completely disappear after completing the medication. Adverse reactions during use are rare, according to research from a Hungarian pharmacological company - no more than 0.001% of cases.

The risk of an undesirable reaction while using the medication is minimal, but many experts recommend considering other, safer means for treating allergies in pregnant women and nursing mothers. Suprastin is classified as a new generation of drugs, but now 4th generation formulations are on the market, which are its analogues and meet all safety criteria.

Do not forget about the list of contraindications prohibiting use:

  • intolerance to individual components of the drug composition;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • visual impairment;
  • urinary retention.

If there are contraindications, the use of the product may cause an inadequate reaction of the body.

Indications and contraindications

Manifestations of allergies in the form of urticaria may be the reason for prescribing suprastin. Suprastin copes quickly and effectively with many possible allergic reactions.

There are no clinical studies of the safety of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are concerns about suppressed lactation.

The drug is contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma. Possible dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, headache, decreased blood pressure, arrhythmia.

When taking it, you need to pay attention to the baby's reaction. Any food or substance used by the mother affects the condition of the baby. A number of them pose a particular danger. Suprastin can be considered one of them.

The prescription of the drug is associated with rapid action. The product is quite aggressive and dangerous to the health of adults. It is recommended to use it for a short time, as an emergency measure.

Practical experience rarely describes side effects with the correct dosage. The advantage is rapid action and elimination from the body. The drug is prescribed to young children for acute allergic reactions.

What will the specialist say?

There is no clear opinion regarding the safety of the process of using Suprastin by a nursing mother. This is due to the fact that accurate and controlled studies of its use have not been conducted. According to doctors, Suprastin can be taken if the medicine is prescribed by a specialist. The allergist will determine the exact dosage that will bring a therapeutic effect to the mother’s body, but will not cause harm to the child.

Attention! Suprastin in the form of an ointment for external use is safe, the product is not absorbed into breast milk. Compliance with a special mode of use is not required.

The maximum concentration of the active substance in breast milk is achieved 1 hour after taking the drug. This figure is reduced by half within 4 hours. Therefore, a woman should take the drug immediately after breastfeeding, so that the substance can leave the body before the next application.

medicine suprastin

Suprastin during lactation

Suparstin is not recommended for use while breastfeeding. The active components in the drug penetrate into breast milk and can have a negative effect on the baby. However, in rare cases, a nursing mother can take these pills, but only as prescribed by a doctor!

If the doctor has prescribed you to take Suprastin, then you should not refuse. Most likely, you will have to stop breastfeeding for a while. When stopping breastfeeding, it is important to maintain lactation. To do this, you can express milk. Read how to express breast milk correctly and painlessly here.

Please note that antihistamines reduce milk supply. Frequent pumping and proper nutrition will help maintain production at the desired level. What foods can and should be eaten while breastfeeding, read the article “Diet for a nursing mother.”

If you still fail to maintain lactation, practical advice on how to resume lactation will help you restore milk production.

Is there a risk for the child?

When the mother takes the medication during breastfeeding, reactions may occur in the newborn. They are often associated with insufficient maturity of the liver - the organ is not able to cope with incoming doses of a toxic substance. Against this background, sleep disturbance, increased excitability or lethargy can be observed.

To avoid these problems, you need to consider the following rules:

  • the medication is taken in minimally effective doses;
  • the course of admission is rationed and limited;
  • observe the interval between reception and application.

These rules are simple, but they ensure the prevention of complications in the child. You need to understand that the gastrointestinal tract and other organs of the newborn, especially in the first months of breastfeeding, are not able to withstand the effects of powerful drugs. If it is impossible to choose another remedy, taking Suprastin is acceptable.

Benefits of the drug during breastfeeding

List of main advantages of the drug:

  1. The drug has been tested by several generations of young mothers.
  2. It is safe when used in doctor-recommended doses.
  3. The action appears quickly, within the first 20 minutes after administration - this is important in emergency situations.
  4. Rarely provokes adverse reactions.
  5. It is eliminated from a woman’s body quite quickly.

By following these rules, you can reduce the risk of complications from treatment. If you have an individual intolerance to the active substance, you need to pay attention to analogues.


Characteristics of the drug

Suprastin is one of the most popular and effective allergy remedies. The effect of the drug begins within 15-20 minutes after administration. A fast-acting remedy that is ideal for emergency use. For example, with an insect bite.

Suprastin is produced in the form of tablets and solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration. The effect of the drug lasts 4-6 hours, after which the dose must be repeated.

Suprastin is taken for allergic reactions to food and animal dander, medications and insect bites. The product also helps with dermatitis, itchy skin and eczema, urticaria and conjunctivitis, itchy skin and eczema.

The main substance in the composition is chloropyramine hydrochloride. The tablets also contain excipients in the form of gelatin, potato starch, stearic acid, talc and lactose. In addition to the active substance, the solution contains water for injection.

Suprastin has a number of side effects that occur rarely and disappear after stopping use. This:

  • lethargy and drowsiness or, conversely, excessive excitement;
  • trembling and general weakness of the body and muscles;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dry mouth;
  • headache;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

If you observe a side effect, stop taking the medicine immediately. Be careful with the application rate. An overdose leads to convulsions, loss of coordination and hallucinations, respiratory and heart failure!

Suprastin's analogs

There are drugs that have an antiallergic effect that are approved during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The main advantage of these formulations is that they do not pass into breast milk and do not cross the placental barrier. Therefore, they do not have a negative effect on the newborn. The main analogues of Suprastin, with a short description and cost, are presented in the table.

AnalogueComposition and how it worksEstimated cost in the Russian Federation
LoratadineA popular drug used to eliminate allergy symptoms during lactation. The product is well tolerated and does not provoke reactions in women and children. To achieve the effect, 1 dose per day is enough. Available in tablet form. 20 rubles per blister
CetirizineThe drug Cetirizine is produced in the form of tablets for oral administration. The medicinal effect appears 20-40 minutes after administration. The half-life of the composition increases when taken on an empty stomach. 70 -90 RUR for 20 tablets
ZodakThe active component of the drug Zodak is cetirizine, release form: tablets and drops. The composition in the form of oral drops is better tolerated by nursing mothers. 149 – 650 RUR
ClaritinClaritin is a new generation antiallergic drug. The product is produced in the form of syrup and tablets. The syrup is prescribed to children aged 2 months and older. The medicine is well tolerated and does not cause adverse reactions. 220 - 600 rub.
ZyrtecBelongs to the group of histamine H1 receptor blockers. The main active ingredient is cetirizine. The drug in the form of drops is prescribed to children aged 6 months and older. 200 - 500 rub.
LoragexalAn effective drug that provides treatment and prevention of seasonal and year-round allergy attacks. Used to combat hay fever. Suitable for long-term use, does not lead to addiction. 50 - 65 rub.
ParlazinIt is produced in the form of film-coated tablets and drops for oral administration.77 - 122 rubles for 10 tablets.

The compositions listed in the table have a gentle effect on the mother’s body. The advantage is that they do not affect lactation and do not reduce the intensity of breast milk production.

Suprastin can be taken by a nursing woman after a clear determination of the balance of benefit and harm. If possible, you need to choose a safer product from analogues. When taking the composition, the mother must monitor the child’s reaction. If abnormalities appear, you should seek medical help. The decision on the need to use the drug is determined by the doctor.

Drug for breastfeeding

Lactation requires a responsible attitude to the use of medications. The instructions for Suprastin state that it is not recommended for use in the treatment of nursing women. However, this only means that there have been no studies involving breastfeeding mothers. There is no reliable data on the effect of the drug on milk, as well as the well-being and health of the newborn baby.

If allergies, itching or redness of the skin occur, it is important for a woman to consult a doctor promptly. The doctor, by comparing the examination data, as well as test results, will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Whether it is possible to drink "Suprastin" while breastfeeding, only a doctor can decide.

When using the drug according to the treatment regimen, it will not harm the woman’s health. To maintain lactation, it is recommended to express milk until complete recovery.

Is it possible to drink suprastin while breastfeeding?

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