Compotes for breastfeeding: recipes from dried fruits, fresh berries and fruits for a nursing mother
Fruit and vegetable drinks must be present in the mother’s diet during lactation, as
What is on-demand feeding?
The first month of breastfeeding is a stressful period in a mother's life. You need to feed your baby within
Delicious fish
Is it possible to eat saury soup while breastfeeding?
One way or another, a diet during lactation poses many questions to a woman about
How to heat milk in the microwave - step by step
Is it possible to heat breast milk in the microwave: danger or myth?
If we are talking about cow or goat milk, then, despite the occasional warnings
sport and lactation
Is it possible to play sports while breastfeeding: the effect on lactation, when is it better and which type to choose?
How long after giving birth can you play sports? Physical activity can be returned to your life
Squash caviar in a glass jar
Is it possible to diversify a mother’s diet with squash caviar while breastfeeding?
The ideal food for a baby is breast milk, which contains all the necessary proteins, minerals
Lemon during breastfeeding: try it without the sour face
Composition and calorie content of lemon Lemon is a tree-like plant growing in a subtropical climate Lemon -
What medications effectively and safely fight herpes during lactation?
Is it possible to use Acyclovir during breastfeeding, indications and contraindications? The drug has a strong antiherpetic effect.
types of sports during guarding
Is it possible to play sports while breastfeeding and which sport to choose?
After childbirth, all of us, in the hustle and bustle of children's and household chores, think about our external
How to understand that your baby is not getting enough breast milk
09/23/2019 1733 0 Main signs False signs of milk deficiency Techniques for dealing with milk shortage
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