Various cereals
Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat barley porridge in the first month?
Porridge is the optimal breakfast for a nursing woman. Cereals after childbirth help restore intestinal motility,
What kind of cabbage can you eat during breastfeeding: white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and others
Composition of broccoli and its beneficial properties After birth, the baby needs healthy nutrition and love
Composition and benefits
Oatmeal during breastfeeding: benefits and harms
A loving and caring mother tries to provide her newborn baby with the maximum influx of healthy vitamins and
millet during breastfeeding
The benefits of millet porridge during breastfeeding: recipes for nursing
Millet is a purified millet grain that is rich in amino acids and fiber, vitamins and minerals. Big
chamomile for breastfeeding
Can a nursing mother drink chamomile infusion?
Chamomile is one of the most popular remedies used in herbal medicine and cosmetology. Despite
Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes in the oven for GW. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.
When a newborn baby does not have allergies or problems with intestines, the young mother
The girl is waiting, there is an alarm clock nearby
Breastfeeding and delayed menstruation: norm and pathology, reasons for the absence of menstruation with a negative test
Breastfeeding is the most important condition for the healthy growth and development of the baby. The best food for a newborn
chest pain due to lactostasis
Prevention of mastopathy: how to examine yourself correctly
Home / Breastfeeding / How to properly express milk during lactostasis and prevent
Flemoxin Salutab in tablet form
Antibiotics for mastitis: what drugs can be prescribed?
Antibiotics are essential drugs for the development of bacterial infections. Antibacterial pharmacological agents are used for
colostrum in the first days of feeding
What color is breast milk: why is it yellow, transparent, greenish
What it looks like This substance is formed in the breast before childbirth and continues to be released into
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