At 5 months, the baby can already do a lot.
Everything should go according to plan: the daily routine of a 5-month-old baby recommended by experts
During the fifth month of life, the baby’s daily routine remains almost the same as
Why do you need a breast pump when breastfeeding?
What is it needed for? A breast pump is necessary for a woman during the period of lactation. Milk expression device
How to make milk burn out - folk method
A sufficient amount of breast milk for a nursing mother is an almost 100% guarantee of health
mushroom soup while breastfeeding
Is it possible to have mushroom soup while breastfeeding and is this dish allowed for a child?
Breastfeeding is accompanied by the introduction of new dietary restrictions that prevent the development of allergic reactions and other
Newborn's first feeding
How long does it take for breast milk to arrive after feeding?
Mother's milk contains everything the baby needs for full development. Nutrients,
Is it possible to drink Kalcemin during breastfeeding: recommendations, contraindications, side effects
Calcemin Advance is a dietary supplement, a vitamin and mineral complex that regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body. IN
Let's figure out why you can't smoke a hookah during breastfeeding.
Is it possible to smoke hookah while breastfeeding?
Hello, dear hookah lady! Today we will talk about whether it is possible to smoke a hookah
There is not enough milk in one breast - what to do? How to breastfeed
Breastfeeding is a natural process, provided and established by nature itself, to ensure life and
Is it possible to take Iron (Fe) while breastfeeding?
The amount of such an element as iron in our body is 3.5-4.5 g. Two thirds of it
The best vitamins for nursing mothers
What pills to take to enhance milk lactation, list of drugs and remedies
Which brand of lactation tablets is better to choose? The first selection criterion for a competent buyer is
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