What to do if the platelet distribution index is elevated

One of the most accessible and effective types of examination in medicine is a general blood test. It is the most common and is prescribed in almost all cases of visiting a general practitioner. Changes in the composition of the blood make it possible to suspect the development of many diseases at the initial stage, as well as to establish the causes of certain symptoms. During a clinical analysis, the parameters of all blood cells are assessed. Today there are more than 20 important indicators, among which is PDW. This is one of the platelet blood indices. The meaning of the abbreviation is the width of the distribution of platelets by their volume. This indicator reflects the heterogeneity of the population of blood platelets in size and reflects the degree of anazocytosis - changes in cell size. That is, the platelets in the blood differ in size from each other, and the PDW analysis shows what percentage of the total number are micro- and macroplatelets.


Hospitalization of the baby is necessary only in the most extreme cases. If the cause is not oncology, treatment is carried out using conservative methods:

  • nutrition correction;
  • taking medications;
  • compliance with the daily routine.

The medicinal part of treatment may include drugs with the following spectrum of action:

  • for blood thinning;
  • to reduce platelet production;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

Be sure to exclude from your diet foods that produce this blood component. You should add foods that are rich in vitamin B6 and magnesium to your menu. It is necessary to monitor the drinking regime - the child should be given clean water, herbal decoctions, juices and compotes.

Treatment and prevention

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine what is causing the increased platelet distribution. The therapeutic technique is selected depending on the reason for the increase in the index:

  • Inflammatory diseases. In this case, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to help normalize the condition of the body, including the functioning of the hematopoietic system.
  • Oncological diseases. Bone marrow dysfunction is restored by transplantation of donor material, administration of chemotherapeutic agents and radiation.
  • Blood loss. The course of treatment includes blood transfusions and the administration of drugs that help raise hemoglobin levels.

Important information: What is PDW or platelet population distribution width and deciphering the norm in a general blood test

Prevention of increased platelet distribution in adults and children involves the following measures:

  • proper nutrition (the diet should include a sufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients);
  • avoiding excessive physical activity;
  • refusal of uncontrolled use of medicines;
  • compliance with the drinking regime (you need to consume at least 2 liters of water per day);
  • exclusion from the diet of confectionery and carbonated drinks.

The value of platelet distribution width is relative. Its increase does not always indicate the presence of diseases, but if such a result is obtained, you need to undergo an examination.


Many people ask what PDW is in a blood test and who interprets the test. The doctor must decipher the PDW blood test. PDW may be normal, elevated, or decreased. A normal index occurs when the number of old and young cells is the same. This index occurs in healthy people. If the indicator is elevated, then their number has sharply increased, and a large number of young and old cells are contained. This happens with bone marrow pathologies or other diseases.

An increased value of the indicator is determined in cancer, iron deficiency, and inflammatory processes. This result occurs with infectious diseases or when the patient uses hormonal drugs. A decreased PDW indicates that there are more old particles, which may indicate bone marrow disease, viral diseases, or certain medications.

When doctors decipher the result, sometimes the study shows that a person has too large platelets, which indicates the presence of disturbances in the functioning of the immune system or Bernard-Soulier disease.


The normal PDW in adults is 15-17%. The breadth of platelet population distribution in children under 18 years of age is 10-15%. If there is a deviation from the norm, the doctor considers the possibility of dysfunction of organs or systems. This indicates some kind of disease.

Increased level

An increase in the indicator indicates heterogeneity in platelet volume. This can cause the development of pathologies in the body. In patients, blood vessels gradually become clogged, blood circulation is disrupted, and metabolism slows down. Heart disease gradually develops.

An increase in PDW occurs:

  • For anemia. The process causes oxygen starvation, which contributes to a change in cell volume.
  • For bleeding after surgery.
  • With the development of neoplasms and inflammatory processes.
  • If, in addition to an increase in PDW, an increased number of leukocytes is noted, then the doctor diagnoses inflammation.

General blood test - transcript online

Using the online test interpretation service, you can check your results in a general blood test. We take into account both the patient's gender and age, since the results can vary greatly in these cases. All parameter maps were compiled using medical literature. To start working with the service, indicate the gender and age of the person and select the parameters that interest you.

Do not self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Like other laboratory values, the platelet population level may be elevated or decreased. If the norm is not met, this will indicate a certain pathological process. However, only a doctor can interpret the results correctly.

Relative low or high width of platelet distribution by volume does not have specific symptoms. The nature of the clinical picture will completely depend on the underlying factor, therefore, if you feel unwell, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary diagnostic tests, correctly interpret the results obtained, and on the basis of which he will prescribe treatment.

Distribution width is higher than normal

The indicator is highly lable, so the slightest pathology of the body changes the percentage of PDW.

The main reasons for increased platelet indices are:

  1. Any type of inflammation. This cause can be suspected if, in addition to increased heterogeneity, there is a high ESR and leukocytosis (signs of inflammation).
  2. Anemia. An increase in the indicator should be associated with a decrease in hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells.
  3. Malignant formations. It is assumed that the index increases when the metastasis process is activated. Platelets help with this through thromboembolism. They spread cancer cells.
  4. Blood loss (operative, traumatic, menstrual). The bone marrow actively produces cells and many young forms appear.
  5. Thrombocytopathies, thrombocytopenia associated with impaired immunity.
  6. Other causes include heavy exercise, sports, overeating, pregnancy and medications. Therefore, if the doctor sees a deviation from the PDW norm, but other indicators are normal, then there is no need to sound the alarm. It can be changed for a trivial reason. Over time, the numbers return to normal.

What does platelet volume distribution width mean?

Platelets are capable of changing their volume and size. Therefore, there is a certain norm from which we must build. Typically, for one million red blood cells there are about 70 thousand platelets of different sizes and volumes.

Of these, young forms up to 0.8% are the largest cells, most in terms of the number of mature forms up to 95%, the rest account for less:

2.5% are old, forms of irritation up to 2% and 0.2% are degenerative.

In various pathologies, this ratio may be disrupted. If there are more young cells, then an increase in volume width is observed.

Functionally, these forms are weaker and contain less biologically active substances. They have lower adhesion ability.

The same applies to older degenerative forms.

An increase in the size of old platelets reduces the width in volume. The older the cells, the smaller the volume. The appearance of defective platelets leads to bleeding.

PDW (or platelet distribution index) - shows the heterogeneity (heterogeneity) of cells in a certain volume. Analysis allows us to judge what percentage of the total is accounted for by various forms (large and small).

The norm is 15% - 17%. A violation of population size is indicated when the indicator decreases or increases.

MPV – norm 7 – 10 femtoliters. Decreases when the spleen is removed.

PCT – norm – from 0.108 to 0.282%.

How is the analysis carried out?

The PDW value is determined during a general blood test along with many other indicators. Blood is taken from the (ring) finger on an empty stomach in the morning. Whole blood with an anticoagulant is used for the study.

The result may be unreliable if the patient ate food before the analysis, is being treated with medications during this period of time, or underwent an X-ray examination or physical procedures the day before. In addition, the indicator may be higher or lower than normal during pregnancy, before menstruation, or after heavy mental or physical stress. In such cases, a repeat study is prescribed. To avoid distortion of the results, you should properly prepare for the analysis.

Nowadays, modern hematological analyzers are used for blood testing, which obtain up to 24 indicators. Determining platelet volume alone is not sufficient for effective diagnosis. Normal hemostasis depends not only on the quantitative content of nuclear-free plates, but also on their functional indicators

Therefore, it is so important to study their quality characteristics, which is only possible on new equipment. Hardware methods for studying blood elements have many advantages over manual ones:

  • a large number of cells are examined - from 10,000;
  • provide accurate results - without errors;
  • all stages of the study are standardized.

Using modern blood analyzers, histograms are obtained - a graphical representation of the results in the form of thrombocytometric curves

The importance of this study is due to the fact that the size of platelets determines their functionality, the change in their volume before gluing the plates in the process of clot formation, as well as the tendency to adhesion and the content of bioactive substances in anucleated cells

What to do if the platelet distribution index is elevated

If there are predominantly young platelets in the blood, the histogram is shifted to the right, old platelets are located on the left of the graph. Thus, platelet volume decreases as platelet aging occurs.

Features of the PDW test

To determine the index, material is taken from a finger. Blood is added to a special container containing an anticoagulant, after which a test is performed using a hematology analyzer. In order for the results to be as reliable as possible, the patient must properly prepare for the study.

Identification of the PDW indicator is mandatory in cases where there is a need for:

  • Hospitalization of the patient.
  • Obtaining data on the effectiveness of the treatment course.
  • A medical examination that specialists from all sectors, as well as children, must undergo every year.
  • Diagnosing inflammatory processes and pathologies of the circulatory system, including cancer.

For certain reasons, the test information may be incorrect.

This is explained:

  • eating food before analysis;
  • use of various medications at the time of examination;
  • undergoing X-ray examination or physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • bearing a child;
  • menstrual blood loss;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • unstable emotional background.

If these factors occur, the procedure is scheduled again with mandatory compliance with preliminary preparation.

For the test results to be effective, it is impossible to do only by determining the volume of blood platelets. It is necessary to study their functional indicators. Thanks to modern hardware methods, the results are as accurate as possible, and a huge number of platelets are analyzed.

What to do if the platelet distribution index is elevated

What to do if the platelet distribution index is elevated

Platelets are the most microscopic blood cells that can stick together to form a blood clot. It is needed in cases where the integrity of a capillary, vein or artery is damaged. Thanks to platelets, damaged vessel walls are sealed from the inside, which prevents the development of full-scale bleeding.

One of the indicators of laboratory tests for platelet count is the PDW index. Thanks to this analysis, the width of platelet distribution is determined - an important indicator by which one can judge the presence of many diseases and pathologies. What standards have been established, and what standards are recognized, as well as the reasons and consequences of increasing the maximum permissible values, we will analyze further.

In a healthy person, the normal width of platelet distribution by volume is 15-17 percent. Deviations of 2-3 percent are acceptable, which are attributed to the following manifestations:

  • the blood test was taken incorrectly (on a full stomach, in the presence of drug impurities);
  • physical and moral condition of the patient;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases.

For children, the norms are slightly different: under the age of 18, rates from 10 to 16 percent are acceptable, writing off 1% in each direction. Poor immunity and increased vulnerability of the body, as well as the presence of congenital pathologies, make this indicator less reliable when deciphering a blood test.

Based on the fact that the reliability of platelet distribution width indicators is influenced by the general condition of the body, in the presence of chronic diseases, noma indicators may vary.

What to do if the platelet distribution index is elevated
It is necessary to prepare for the test in advance

Indications for analysis

There are four cases when a complete blood count and identification of the PDW indicator is mandatory:

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  1. When hospitalized, it is included in the mandatory list of tests required for the initial medical history.
  2. To monitor treatment, a blood test to determine the width of platelet distribution allows you to see the effect of treatment, or, on the contrary, to find out about its absence and the need to prescribe new drugs.
  3. An annual medical examination is a mandatory procedure not only for workers in all professions and industries, but also for children of all ages.
  4. In the presence of diseases of the circulatory system and suspected blood cancer, as well as for diagnosing inflammatory diseases.

A blood test is mandatory in most cases. It can be used to tell about a person’s health status, indicating possible problems.

What to do if the platelet distribution index is elevated

In qualified clinics that have their own laboratories with ultra-precise equipment, the patient is given a transcript in hand, which is a table consisting of several columns. It reflects the available indicators, their norm and presence in human blood.

Usually the last column indicates whether there are deviations from the norm and what could cause this.

Deviation from the norm indicates the presence of pathologies or diseases, the treatment of which should be started as quickly as possible. A pathological condition is considered to be not only a result above the norm, but also a value below the recommended values. The therapist who receives the results of the analysis is obliged to inform the patient about possible problems with his health, as well as compare the patient’s symptoms and complaints with the data received. After this, a decision is made to undergo a comprehensive examination, the results of which will ultimately make it possible to make the correct diagnosis and select the most successful and effective treatment.

What to do if the platelet distribution index is elevated
preparation for analysis was not carried out

  • physical overload;
  • unstable emotional background, especially in depressive states;
  • eating immediately before blood sampling;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • blood sampling during menstruation in women;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • taking medications.

Therefore, in order to obtain the most accurate data, you should be in a good mood, not experience physical overload, and also limit your food intake. Women during menstruation or in the premenstrual period are better off refraining from testing. Taking blood without fasting and the presence of menstruation are the two most significant and significant factors on which the accuracy of the analysis depends.

It is important to note that failure to follow the blood sampling rules can also lead to unreliable data on other blood parameters. From here you can get not only deviations from the norm, but also an incorrect diagnosis


The normal PDW (platelet distribution index) for people under 18 years of age is 10–16%, but a slight upward or downward deviation is acceptable - no more than 1%. If the relative width of platelet distribution by volume is increased so much, this will be a sign of some pathological process.

For adults, the norm is 15–17%. A slight deviation is acceptable here - the platelet count may be increased or decreased by 2-3%.

PDW may be increased or decreased erroneously if errors were made during the analysis. Errors can be caused by the following factors:

  • weak immunity;
  • the patient has chronic diseases about which the doctor has not been notified and there are no entries in the medical history;
  • unsatisfactory moral condition of the patient;
  • incorrect analysis and/or improper processing of the material.

If the volume indicators are higher or lower than normal, a repeat analysis is prescribed to make sure there is no error.

Platelet distribution index
Platelet distribution index

When thrombocrit is low

A decrease in PCT occurs when the production of platelets or platelet precursors, which are megakaryocytes, is blocked. With a decreased PCT, there is a tendency to bleed.

This indicator is reduced during pregnancy. The drop in thrombocrit in women can be 2 times lower than normal, but during pregnancy this reduces the risk of thrombosis, and means that blood circulation and fetal nutrition will not be affected.

PCT decreases in conditions caused by:

  • anemia - folate deficiency, aplastic, megaloblastic;
  • autoimmune diseases – systemic lupus erythematosus, collagenosis;
  • chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • poisoning by poisons, drugs - diuretics, cytostatics, antibiotics, corticosteroids;
  • chemotherapy;
  • oncological diseases - hemoblastosis, leukemia.

When the thrombocrit is lowered and is less than 0.11%, then in adults this indicates a disorder of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow or an acceleration of the breakdown of platelets in the spleen.

A low PCT thrombocrit in a child’s blood test may be explained by:

  • in infants - prematurity, low birth weight, hypoxia;
  • in a child of an older age group – parasitic infection.

Pathological changes in indicators

Changes in indices indicate the presence of diseases of various natures in the body. To take correct measures to eliminate the cause, it is necessary to carry out the analysis several times during the treatment period. This will also allow an assessment of the quality of the prescribed therapy and the degree of disease progression.

Average platelet volume

MPV volume increasedVolume reduced
Thrombocytopenia (forced destruction of platelets)Megakaryocytic hypoplasia
DiabetesAfter a course of chemotherapy
Enlarged spleenX-linked thrombocytopenia in the presence of microcytosis
HypersplenismSeptic thrombocytopenia
Vascular atherosclerosisAplastic anemia
Thyroid disordersMegaloblastic anemia
Increased myeloproliferative processesWiskott-Aldrich syndrome
Bernard-Soulier dystrophyCirrhosis of the liver
May-Hegglin anomalyMyelodysplastic syndrome
Uncontrolled drinking of alcoholic beveragesDuring radiation treatment
Tobacco abuseCytostatic therapy
After splenectomySplenomegaly
Development of infectious inflammationLeukemia
Beginning of tumor formationMalignant bone marrow tumor
ThalassemiaInfectious diseases (rubella, measles, influenza)
Posthemorrhagic anemia
Systemic lupus erythematosus

The average platelet cell volume in the test may be lower than normal when taking certain medications.

Width of platelet distribution by volume

Index increasedIndex below normal
progressive inflammatory processesAplastic anemia
Malignant neoplasmsLeukemia
AnemiaGaucher disease
Period after surgeryNiemann-Pick disease
Muscle strainsMyelodysplastic syndrome
Loss of large volume of bloodMetastasis of a malignant tumor to the bone marrow
Thrombocytosis of a tumor natureRadiation sickness
Immune thrombocytopeniaCarrying out therapy with cytostatics
ThrombocytopathyImmune thrombocytopenia
Diseases of myeloneoplastic natureDIC syndrome
Chronic hepatitis


Index increasedIndex reduction
Essential thrombocythemiaAplastic anemia
Chronic myeloid leukemiaSplenomegaly
Inflammatory processesMyelodysplastic syndrome
Subleukemic myelosisHemoblastoses
After splenectomyAnemia associated with vitamin B12 deficiency
Thrombocytosis in iron deficiencyLiver diseases
The period of myelosuppression during radiation or cytostatic treatment

When PDW Becomes Important

The decoding of the analysis proceeds in parallel with the decoding of other platelet indices (primarily MPV).

This platelet indicator is increased in the case of certain pathological conditions:

  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Liver pathologies;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • After removal of the spleen;
  • Malignant neoplasms and, in particular, their metastasis to the bone marrow;
  • Massive blood loss;
  • Poisoning with salts of heavy metals (lead);
  • Certain anemic syndromes;
  • Corticosteroid therapy;
  • Alzheimer's diseases.

In addition, the index is also increased in some cases that can hardly be called pathological conditions, but which could cause a high degree of platelet anisocytosis:

  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Surgery.

The platelet index PDW, on the contrary, is reduced when:

  1. Some blood diseases;
  2. Radiation sickness;
  3. Myelodysplastic syndrome;
  4. Megaloblastic anemia;
  5. DIC syndrome;
  6. Diseases of viral origin;
  7. Septic conditions;
  8. Severe liver damage.

In addition, PDW is reduced in situations where there is a need to use certain groups of pharmaceuticals, for example, cytostatics.

What to do if the platelet distribution index is elevated

examples of PDW graphs – normal, with thrombocytopenia, hyperthrombocytosis with the presence of macroplatelets in the blood

Taking into account that platelets are sensitive cells, when going for analysis, you need to remember some rules: do not overeat, do not overload mentally, do not overexert yourself physically, do not smoke or drink medications that can change your blood picture. However, given that such a test is not carried out independently, but goes in tandem with other platelet indices, there is no point in describing the entire preparatory part in detail

The reader can find answers to these questions in other publications concerning the general blood test in general and the platelet component in particular.

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Possible reasons for deviation from the norm

Elevated parameters may indicate the following pathological processes:

  • inflammation in the body;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • oncological processes, metastasis to the bone marrow;
  • anemic syndrome;
  • heavy metal poisoning;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

The index will be increased due to the following factors:

  • consequences of corticosteroid therapy;
  • massive blood loss;
  • postoperative period after removal of the spleen;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • recovery after surgery.

Reduced index values ​​will indicate the following pathological processes:

  • DIC syndrome;
  • anemia;
  • myelodysplastic syndrome;
  • viral diseases;
  • septic processes;
  • radiation sickness;
  • severe liver diseases.

PDW can be lowered temporarily as a result of taking certain medications, including cytostatics.

Features of the analysis

What to do if the platelet distribution index is elevated
It is necessary to prepare for the test in advance

Which doctor should I contact?

What to do if the platelet distribution index is elevated

Increase in coefficient

If the PDW decoding indicates an increase in values, this is a direct sign of significant heterogeneity of the described cells in volume. And, accordingly, this state of the blood fluid can lead to dangerous consequences. The gradual clogging of capillaries, and then larger vessels, causes difficulties with blood circulation, which leads to even greater thrombus formation. This results in a so-called vicious circle.

PLT in blood test - what is it?

The result of this condition can be many pathologies, ranging from metabolic disorders in the bloodstream to heart disease (myocardial infarction) or blood clots in the brain (stroke).

Indicators may be elevated in the following situations:

  • Bleeding due to surgery or injury leads to an increase in platelet concentration, which is due to their increased production. This is required to quickly restore the normal blood formula.
  • Anemia, which causes oxygen starvation, as a result of which nuclear-free blood cells undergo various types of deformation.
  • Pathologies of an oncological nature, leading to systematic damage to all formed elements of the blood, including platelets. This, in turn, causes a change in their volume, and, consequently, the width of distribution in the blood mass itself.
  • Inflammatory processes leading to an increase in the number of these cells, and as a result, an increase in PDW. A parallel increase in leukocytes can only mean one thing – the development of inflammation is obvious!

What to do if the platelet distribution index is elevated

At the same time, you should know that if PDW is elevated, then not in all absolutely cases this will mean the presence of any serious abnormalities in the body. The reasons for this can be the most trivial, for example, failure to comply with the basic rules of preparing for a blood test or directly collecting it from the laboratory medical staff.

Therefore, before undergoing the analysis, it is necessary to consult with a doctor about all possible subtleties in order to minimize the risks of receiving unreliable results and repeated analysis. Firstly, you need to know that blood is donated only on an empty stomach, that is, at least 10–12 hours must pass between the last meal and the collection of biomaterial.

Secondly, it is necessary to exclude excessive physical activity and, if possible, psycho-emotional activity the day before the study. Thirdly, you should refrain from taking any medications, even if they are multivitamin complexes, having previously discussed stopping them for several days. Strict adherence to all of the above measures will allow the doctor to see a complete picture of the patient’s blood condition.

What is PDW responsible for?

The width of platelet distribution by volume means the ratio of cell size and thrombus content. This is an important indicator in research analysis. If the indicators are not included in the normal column, then the body should be completely examined.

Platelets take an active part in blood clotting and when the level is low, there is a high probability of bleeding. When platelet levels are elevated, blood clots occur and veins become blocked. PDW is characterized by platelet heterogeneity. Pdw is done at the same time as measuring MPV (mean platelet volume).

How is the analysis performed?

Be sure to prepare for blood sampling for analysis. Do not do physical exercise for a day - it increases the level of platelets (the body consumes more oxygen). During the day, do not eat spicy, peppery or salty foods, as they enhance liver function. Don't drink coffee. Take on an empty stomach. Do not drink alcoholic beverages 72 hours before. During critical days, the number of platelets is low, so you should not get tested on these days.

During pregnancy, the body undergoes hormonal changes, increased coagulability and increased cholesterol levels. The doctor takes this information into account when deciphering the results. If the results are not within the normal laboratory parameters, then you must go through the procedure again. This can determine the reason for changes in performance. Doctors can make an accurate diagnosis only after a complete examination.

Important information: Norm of platelets in the blood of women by age (table)

Definition and concept of platelet volume

To make a correct and comprehensive diagnosis, it is not enough to see the platelet count alone. It is necessary to know their average volume. The value indicating the average platelet volume in the blood is called MPV in tests. It is calculated using special equipment and measured in femtoliters (Fl). The device first calculates the platelets themselves in the blood taken, and then calculates their volume (roughly speaking, the space occupied by platelets).

We recommend studying the article “What role do platelets play in human blood?” on a similar topic within this material

Formation of a blood clot from red blood cells and platelets (micrograph layout)

Average platelet volume is reduced

A decrease in average platelet volume occurs when many old, low-volume, “spent” cells circulate and accumulate in the blood. It is logical that a decrease in platelet volume, i.e. qualitative indicator occurs when the quantitative indicator increases.

The average platelet volume is reduced in the following cases:

  • diseases of the blood coagulation system (coagulopathy);
  • inability to adequately and timely synthesize new blood cells due to oncohematological diseases, congenital bone marrow aplasia, radiation therapy or the use of antitumor drugs that inhibit hematopoietic function;
  • inability to fully utilize “waste” cells (diseases of the liver and spleen, lymphogranulomatosis).

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Average platelet volume is increased

An increase in the average volume occurs when young (up to blasts) elements of the platelet series are present in the blood. Immature platelets are released into the bloodstream due to increased bone marrow activity.

Hematology analyzer

The mean platelet volume is increased when:

  • post-hemorrhagic conditions (anemia, blood loss - acute and chronic);
  • congenital diseases (thrombocytopenic purpura of Henoch-Schönlein, thalassemia);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • infectious diseases.

Carrying out analysis

The indicator is determined by drawing blood. In order for the indicators to correspond to reality, the following must be taken into account:

  1. It is not recommended to take the test during the premenstrual period.
  2. The day before donating blood, you should avoid heavy physical activity and, if possible, avoid taking medications.
  3. Tests must be taken on an empty stomach; in the morning you can only drink a glass of water.

The determination of indicators is carried out using the Fonio method. The material for the study is blood obtained from a finger, mixed with a sterile solution of magnesium sulfate.

From the resulting material, a smear is made on glass, which is placed in special equipment. The automatic counter counts the number of different forms of platelets per 1000 red blood cells. Using a special formula, the percentage of the width of the distribution of blood platelets is calculated.

Reasons for the decline

A decrease in the number of platelets in a blood test indicates a high risk of bleeding due to low blood clotting. This must be taken into account in surgical operations.

A reduced PDW in a blood test occurs with myelodysplastic syndrome. This disease affects the bone marrow, where platelets are formed. Hepatitis provokes a decrease in PDW. In this case, the analysis will show increased bilirubin. Possible cancer.

An increased distribution of platelets in a child may be due to an inflammatory process. Also, the number of leukocytes in this case will be high.

Why deviation is dangerous and what to do

If the test result shows that the PDW does not meet the norm, the therapist will order you to take it again in different laboratories. If this is confirmed, then a comprehensive examination is prescribed. If the patient has additional symptoms, it is easier to make a diagnosis.

A reliable result is not only due to the patient’s good preparation, but also to the laboratory in which the blood is drawn. Poor quality reagents incorrectly determine blood composition. It is advisable to take tests in laboratories that have quality certificates and modern equipment.

Only a specialist should explain the result: there are many nuances in deciphering the PDW indicator. In some cases, the indicator is looked at in relation to other points of laboratory research.

Increased PDW level: what pathologies does this indicate?

Screenshot-2016-08-17-at-21.19.52.pngPlatelet indices increase in cases such as :

  • presence of anemia (especially during pregnancy);
  • blood was drawn incorrectly;
  • presence of cancer;
  • severe blood loss during surgery or during menstruation in women;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process, in which the number of platelets sharply increases, as evidenced by an increase in the width of the distribution.

Often, when a blood test is suspected of cancer, they are forced to retake it several times, taking into account all the nuances of the procedure. Many patients are unaware of how to prepare properly, which results in inaccurate data. Only those cases where abnormalities in the blood test are noted not only in the PDW indicator, but also in other indicators deserve special attention.

Reasons for RDW deviation

If the width of the distribution of red blood cells in the body is increased, this means that the sizes of the red blood cells are very different from each other. Moreover, the larger the red blood cell, the shorter its lifespan, which reduces the number of red blood cells in the body.

With significant destruction of red blood cells, an increased iron content is observed in the blood. At the same time, an increase in bilirubin occurs (the so-called very toxic substance that is formed from dead red blood cells). It is sent to the liver for neutralization, which causes it to become overloaded and poorly cope with processing toxins. This negatively affects the functioning of the entire body.

An increased RDW value in many cases indicates iron deficiency anemia. With this disease, the RDW value may increase even before the red blood cell and hemoglobin values ​​change. That is why the volume of red blood cells makes it possible to determine the presence of the disease at the initial stage and take timely measures to eliminate it. At the same time, during treatment, the RDW index steadily increases, which is associated with the appearance of young red blood cells. If therapy is effective, red blood cell volume is the last indicator that returns to normal, and therefore indicates recovery.

In addition, the width of the distribution of red blood cells can increase in the following situations:

  • Hemolytic anemia of an immune nature.
  • Megaloblastic anemia (B9 and B12 deficiency).
  • Hemoglobinopathy is the presence of pathological hemoglobins in red blood cells and is inherited.
  • Liver problems.
  • Blood transfusion.

The width of the distribution of red blood cells is never considered by a doctor separately from other indicators. The doctor must look at other erythrocyte indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC). This is necessary in order to more accurately diagnose a person’s condition.

For example, if the value of the distribution width of erythrocytes is within the normal range, while the mean erythrocyte volume (MCV) is reduced, this may indicate a hereditary disease that is associated with a violation of the synthesis of one of the globin chains (thalassemia). The MCV value is lower than normal and the RDW content can be normal during hemorrhage, when the walls of the vessels are so permeable that blood leaks through them, leading to hemorrhages. In addition, normal erythrocyte volume and low average erythrocyte volume are observed after removal of the spleen in oncology.

It may also be that the width of the distribution of red blood cells is increased, while the average volume of red blood cells is decreased. Then you can suspect iron deficiency anemia or beta thalassemia (a disorder of the synthesis of the beta globulin chain). If both values ​​are high, the body may be deficient in vitamin B or develop hemolytic anemia.

Reasons for the increase

If the blood test results for PDW are elevated, we may be talking about the presence of the following diseases:

  • Oncological pathologies. In the presence of malignant tumors, there is an increased production of platelets that have different sizes and properties. Platelet platelets contribute to the development of cancer by helping cancer cells spread through the body and become metastases.
  • Severe blood loss. With a lack of blood, the bone marrow begins to function intensively, producing new blood elements, including platelets. Before cell gluing, the distribution width increases sharply, causing the analysis result to deviate greatly from the norm.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes. Along with the production of leukocytes, platelet maturation increases. Some cells are larger in size and have a longer lifespan. This affects the PDW index, which can be many times higher than the established standards.

Other reasons leading to changes in analysis results include:

  • anemia of various origins (the width of platelet distribution increases in response to a decrease in hemoglobin levels);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • recovery after complex surgery;
  • helminthic infestations (a change in the test result means the body is highly sensitive to substances secreted by parasites);
  • heavy menstruation, accompanied by severe blood loss;
  • psycho-emotional overload;
  • eating before the test;
  • use of certain medications;
  • increased activity of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.


The reasons that a child may have elevated platelets are as follows:

  • congenital blood diseases;
  • systemic and/or autoimmune diseases;
  • oncological diseases, including blood cancer;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • enlargement of the spleen or removal of this organ;
  • viral infections;
  • severe, long-term infectious diseases that have led to a severe weakening of the immune system;
  • disruption of the circulation of blood components during emotional or physical stress.

Elevated platelets in a baby can be caused by errors in nutrition - an incorrectly selected mixture, insufficient amounts of vitamins in the diet, early introduction of complementary foods. Only a doctor can determine why platelets in the blood are elevated.

Decrease in values

If the CBC indicates a decrease in the described parameter, then at the same time this is a sign of a low platelet count. A low platelet index is not always considered as a harbinger or symptom of various pathologies.

It is necessary to take into account that in women during menstruation, PDW is sometimes reduced. In addition, a decrease in the indicator can occur due to an unhealthy lifestyle, poor-quality or unbalanced nutrition, as well as the individual physical characteristics of the body

Low index values ​​are observed in situations such as:

  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs;
  • oncological diseases;
  • radioactive exposure;
  • functional liver disorders;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • taking cytostatic drugs;
  • DIC and myelodysplastic syndrome;
  • anemia due to deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid.

What to do if the platelet distribution index is elevated

Myelodysplastic syndrome is one of the reasons for a decrease in PDW - these are diseases that damage the bone marrow, which leads to less production of all formed blood components, including platelets. A decrease in the indicator is also observed with the formation of metastatic foci in the bone marrow.

Chronic hepatitis often causes a decrease in this coefficient, which means that the doctor, suspecting such a liver disease, must prescribe the patient to undergo a biochemical blood test. This will determine the concentration of bilirubin, and in case of hepatitis it will be high.

Attention! A sharp and at the same time strong decrease in the number of platelets, as well as their distribution in the blood volume, is considered no less dangerous to human life and health than an increase in the indicator. Such a change leads to the loss of the integrity of organs not only circulatory, but also other functional systems

Moreover, if, as a result of deciphering the analysis, it turns out that the parameter being studied is slightly increased, this circumstance should not be neglected. It is imperative to normalize its values ​​and in the future try to control them, as well as take measures to maintain them at the proper level.

To obtain the most accurate analysis results, two indices are used to characterize PDW. These are SD (standard deviation) and CV (coefficient of variation). PDW-SD and PDW-CV provide the opportunity to maximize platelet heterogeneity to help guide diagnostic decisions. These two criteria must be taken into account when deciphering the results of the CBC, especially if any deviations in the number or distribution of platelets are detected.

Consequences of thrombocytopenia

Small deviations from the norm are not dangerous to human health. With timely diagnosis and treatment, patients can avoid the development of pathological consequences. However, if thrombocytopenia is ignored and there is no comprehensive treatment, sick people risk encountering the following pathologies:

  • development of subcutaneous bruises with minor injuries;
  • internal bleeding that poses a threat to human life;
  • hemorrhage in the retina of the eye, which can result in blindness for a person;
  • hemorrhagic stroke.

Complication of hemorrhagic stroke

The patient may also experience bleeding in the brain. This is a rare, but quite dangerous phenomenon. It develops most often with serious head injuries, but can also occur spontaneously, without any bruises. Bleeding in the brain also occurs against the background of frequent nosebleeds. The prognosis in this case is unfavorable - a quarter of such cases end in the death of the sick person. The prognosis for recovery with a low platelet level depends on the characteristics of the patient’s body, his age, the duration of the disease, and the presence of auxiliary pathologies in the body.

Significance in diagnosis

First of all, by determining thrombocrit indicators, the following aspects are established:

What to do if the platelet distribution index is elevated

  1. Determination of the risk of bleeding, increased thrombosis (thrombocytosis condition).
  2. Assessment of the benefit/risk ratio when prescribing certain medications.

The most well-known reasons for determining this indicator in the blood are:

  • The patient has a high temperature of unknown origin.
  • Evaluation of treatment with immunosuppressive drugs.
  • Severe viral, bacterial, fungal infection of the body.
  • The patient is on artificial ventilation.
  • Complications after organ transplantation.

Important. It must be taken into account that any change in the number of platelet germ cells - an increase (thrombocytosis), a decrease (thrombocytopenia), a change in shape, aggregation - immediately affects the thrombocrit numbers

To assess platelet distribution in peripheral blood, it is necessary to know its normal values.

Recommendations for taking the test

There is no need to prepare extensively to take the pdw test. It is recommended to donate blood on an empty stomach in the morning so that there is no reason for false results. If a person is taking medications, the specialist must be informed about this before taking blood. This blood test will be ready very quickly.

Usually blood is taken from a finger, but if additional information is required for research, then venous blood is needed, which contains a larger number of indicators that are needed for a more accurate analysis. If any of the components deviates from the norm, then the analysis from venous blood will be more informative and there is no need to repeat the test.

Blood sampling from children on pdw is carried out from a finger, as this is more comfortable for the child and more convenient for the nurse.

The material is sent to the laboratory for testing and preparation of results. It takes two days to complete all these actions.

In addition, different laboratories have different equipment and different reagents, so two laboratories may produce completely different results in terms of accuracy.

What can cause a low blood count?

If PDW platelet distribution is reduced, then most likely the cause of this condition is:

  1. blood oncology;
  2. illness due to increased exposure to radiation;
  3. myelodysplastic syndrome;
  4. DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation);
  5. diseases caused by viruses;
  6. sepsis;
  7. taking cytostatics;
  8. iron deficiency;
  9. liver problems.

Myelodysplastic syndrome is often diagnosed in patients with reduced PDW. This disease affects the bone marrow, where platelets are formed. In addition, with metastases in bone marrow cells, the rate will also be low.

Hepatitis can provoke a decrease in PDW. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a liver test and a biochemical blood test.

If one or more diseases are detected, therapy must be started immediately. With effective and successful treatment, the platelet count will also return to normal. Constant monitoring of your health will allow you to see deterioration in time and make predictions, as well as change your treatment regimen.

In addition to pathological processes in the body that could provoke a decrease in PDW, improper preparation for the analysis could lead to this phenomenon. To exclude false test results, it is necessary to retake it.


In order to normalize the PDW indicator, you should use recommendations for improving the quantitative and qualitative composition of blood :

  • adhere to a proper balanced diet, rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements that can affect blood quality;
  • avoid physical overexertion (especially typical for athletes);
  • limit uncontrolled use of medications;
  • maintain a hydrated diet, drinking at least 2 liters of clean water per day;
  • limit consumption of sweet foods and carbonated drinks.

Thus, a blood test indicator such as PDW allows one to determine the width of platelet distribution by volume. This indicator depends on many factors, indicating possible health problems, namely with hematopoietic functions. In order for the test result to reflect a reliable picture of your health status, you need to take it on an empty stomach and in a good mood. The presence of menstruation and psychomotor disorders can significantly affect the results of the study, giving false indicators. Only an experienced specialist is able to interpret PDW indicators, comparing them with the norm, and also insist on undergoing a more detailed examination.

How to normalize platelet levels

To restore the level of platelets and increase their level in the blood, first of all you need to stop psychological stress (being nervous, quarreling, experiencing stress), and also perform as little physical activity as possible. But this is not enough to restore normality. Therefore it is necessary:

  • Take special medications that restore (increase or decrease) the number of platelets in the blood. Use such medications only after consulting a doctor.
  • To eat well. It is necessary to strictly reduce to a minimum value, and it is best to exclude from the diet all pickled foods, spicy foods, alcoholic drinks, seaweed, grapes, and cucumbers. But almonds, dill, parsley, bananas, fish, and liver should be added to your diet.
  • If your platelet count is low, you should stop taking medications that reduce the number of platelets in your blood. In most cases, these are antidepressants and antibiotics.
  • Consume more vitamins C, B12 and A.
  • In addition, you need to start leading a healthy lifestyle, get rid of bad habits, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, watch your sleep, and do not engage in traumatic sports.

What do low platelets mean?

Platelets are red blood cells that influence the rate at which cuts and wounds heal. When bleeding develops, they create a protective plug that stops it, thereby preventing the development of negative consequences. When the permissible level of PLT decreases in the patient’s body, a blood clotting disorder occurs, which subsequently leads to thrombocytopenia.

Thrombocytopenia acts as a separate disease or is a consequence of another disease. To clarify the overall clinical picture, patients are required to undergo a series of diagnostic tests. There are the main reasons that affect the decrease in platelet levels in the body:

  • insufficient production of PLT by the bone marrow;
  • increased destruction of platelets in the blood;
  • inadequate distribution of platelets in the vessels.

Causes of low platelets

People with chronic diseases of the immune system, patients with leukemia, and citizens who take certain types of medications for a long time are at risk. Low PLT levels are not always accompanied by negative symptoms. In critical cases, when the level of red blood cells in the blood is extremely low, the patient's body may develop internal bleeding, which often leads to death.

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