Store-bought ice cream
Is it possible to eat ice cream while breastfeeding and which one to choose?
The breastfeeding diet restricts women from eating, especially sweets, which often causes
Young mother with baby with pacifier
How to get rid of milk for a nursing mother: effective methods
Excessive production of breast milk causes a lot of inconvenience to a nursing mother. She is forced to regularly resort to
Can nursing mothers eat scrambled eggs?
Can a nursing mother have fried or boiled eggs? Cautions and Recommendations
Every nursing woman takes care of her diet, which should be varied and nutritious. At
woman breastfeeding in bed
Breast pain during feeding: causes and ways to eliminate pain
Hello! My baby is 14 days old, but I constantly worry about him. I can't
Is it possible to eat dates while breastfeeding and in what quantity?
The benefits of dates when feeding a baby with breast milk The benefits of dates have been known since ancient times.
Contraceptives during breastfeeding: pills, suppositories, emergency medications. Drug names
Review of contraceptives and birth control pills during breastfeeding: how to protect yourself after childbirth?
Is it possible to take contraceptives during breastfeeding? During breastfeeding, many women
What products to choose when breastfeeding: practical tips
Many new mothers are concerned about the quality and quantity of their breast milk, trying to best ensure
feeding a one year old baby
Magic cow and cocoa: weaning. Mom's experience
Signs of readiness To prevent tantrums, you need to properly wean your baby off breastfeeding. Baby's readiness
woman's hands and cream
How can an expectant mother prepare for breastfeeding?
Obstetricians often tell new mothers that the first place to prepare for feeding is the head,
Cocoa in a transparent cup on a saucer with a spoon
Cocoa during breastfeeding: is it possible or not, reviews
During breastfeeding, a mother has to carefully select her diet, and some foods and
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