complimentary mother for nursing
Choosing the right vitamin complex for a nursing mother
Complivit mama is a multivitamin preparation that replenishes the deficiency of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements).
symptoms of pathology
Treatment of diarrhea during breastfeeding - how to safely continue lactation
What is diarrhea? The medical term “diarrhea” is a condition where bowel movements occur too often.
Effective treatment of cystitis during breastfeeding
During pregnancy and childbirth, a woman’s body experiences serious stress, resulting in a weakened immune system.
Ivan Chai and girl
Pros and cons of Ivan-tea during breastfeeding
Beneficial properties for nursing mothers Ivan tea is suitable for nursing mothers as a means to improve lactation
What should you do if your 8-month-old baby sucks the breast all night?
Many children get so used to their mother's breast that they do not want to part with it.
Breast pumps
How to wean twins: the story of one mother
The leaflet can be downloaded from the TwinsHandout link. After finding out that you are pregnant with twins, you may have reconsidered
Woman breastfeeding
Eyebrow microblading contraindications during lactation
Young mothers strive to maintain their beauty even when gaining extra pounds during pregnancy.
Enterosgel during breastfeeding
Enterosgel during breastfeeding
Indications for taking the drug Intestinal sorbent are prescribed by the doctor when a patient has a bacterial or
The child opened his mouth and is given complementary foods from a spoon.
Breastfed baby's diet at 10 months
Creating a children's menu is a process that requires attention from parents. If before ten months of age
Does a pregnancy test work while breastfeeding?
Just a few decades ago, breastfeeding was considered an excellent method of contraception. Women prolonged lactation, believing
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