A doctor measures a girl's blood pressure
What should a nursing mother do if her blood pressure drops?
Weakness, circles before the eyes or darkening in them, constant fatigue - these are all common
Is soy sauce ok for a nursing mother?
Soy sauce while breastfeeding
The nutritional system of a nursing woman is noticeably different from the nutritional pattern that the woman had
prolactin during lactation
How to increase prolactin production while breastfeeding
The hormone prolactin is one of the most important biologically active substances that regulate physiological processes in
Changes in the breasts during pregnancy and lactation. The structure of the nursing breast
Problems with breastfeeding It often happens that a woman has a desire to feed her baby
Is Olivier salad allowed for a nursing mother? What can you replace harmful ingredients with? Alternative Salad Recipes
Is it possible to eat Olivier salad while breastfeeding?
The birth of a child is a joyful and grandiose event for the whole family. Every young mother
Night breastfeeding: what to do if you want to sleep so much?!
Night breastfeeding On our website you can purchase the product you are interested in using one
drying during breastfeeding
Is it possible to eat crackers while breastfeeding?
Dryers and crackers, at first glance, are a product that can be included in the diet
Increasing the fat content of breast milk: a few tips for mothers to take note
Number of views: 26,891 In order to satisfy your curiosity, at the beginning of the article I placed a special
Feeding on demand: a modern approach
Modern doctors and WHO representatives recommend breastfeeding mothers to use feeding on demand. Exactly this one
Breastfeeding a 4 month old baby
Reasonable care and balanced approach: how much should a child eat at 4 months
Views - 99,692 Each new month in the life of a little man is a whole era.
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