Causes of constipation after cesarean section and methods for normalizing stool in mother
Baby in arms: Pixabay Constipation after childbirth is observed in a third of women. Most of
Baby menu at 7 months
What can you feed a 7 month old baby? Menu, diet and diet of a child at 7 months with breastfeeding and artificial feeding
Baby nutrition: new foods in the diet The main source of nutrition for a 7-month-old baby should continue to be
Is it possible for a nursing mother to have shrimp: we study the features of the product
03/01/2018 Category: Nutrition for a nursing mother Author: Lyudmila Morozova Shrimp are popular among gourmets all over the world,
baby chair
White lumps in baby's stool. Newborn baby
Yellow stool in a newborn If a baby has loose, bright yellow stool, parents should not
A nursing mother can take this drug
Is it possible or not to breastfeed Oscillococcinum? Instructions, reviews
Oscillococcinum during pregnancy and breastfeeding A woman during pregnancy and breastfeeding is exposed to
What type of stool should a newborn have?
Features of stool in infants The stool of a breastfed baby can be anything. Unlike
lactation and colds
Treatment of sore throat during lactation: how to help a nursing mother and not harm the baby?
Causes of pain Women often experience a sore throat during breastfeeding. After childbirth
woman breastfeeding
Top 8 most comfortable positions for breastfeeding babies
Breastfeeding is one of the most important links in the proper development and health of a baby. Not surprising,
How to take amoxiclav for cystitis while breastfeeding?
During lactation, a woman needs to take care of everything she consumes, since many
Foam and mucus in baby's stool
The appearance of foamy stool in a breastfed baby is considered by many parents to be an alarming symptom. AND
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