Can I have bread while breastfeeding?
Yeast-free bread during breastfeeding
In the first year of motherhood, a woman inevitably has to decide what can now be eaten and what
light berry cake
Cakes for nursing: rules of consumption and home recipes
A baby has appeared in the family, and now the whole world revolves around “His Majesty.” And if
Cabbage during breastfeeding
Can a nursing mother eat cabbage while breastfeeding?
The diet of a woman who is breastfeeding must be properly balanced and include only those
When can a nursing mother have a massage after childbirth?
When a child appears in a family, life changes dramatically. It is necessary to go through a difficult path to restore your
Hair growth cycle
How to restore hair after pregnancy and childbirth
Last update: 02.27.2021 Author of the article: Menshchikova Galina Vladimirovna Dermatovenerologist, trichologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences,
whole grain bread while breastfeeding
Why you can’t use hematogen while breastfeeding
What should you definitely pay attention to? Hematogen production is a costly process. In the best samples
What to do if during breastfeeding one breast becomes larger than the other
Probably all women have a share of panic and suspiciousness in almost any situation, and with
Salo with garlic and onions
Can a nursing mother eat lard?
Young mothers who breastfeed their children often argue about the benefits and harms of pork
Classification of sore throats
Sore throat in a nursing mother: how to treat and not harm the baby
First signs Sore throat is not a simple viral infection and is much more difficult to treat than a common cold.
Should you take fish oil while breastfeeding? Let's reveal all the secrets and find out the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky
Benefits for mom and baby Fish oil is a dietary supplement that is produced from the liver.
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