dostinex reviews for increased prolactin in women
Dostinex for cessation of lactation - how safe?
Sooner or later, every breastfeeding woman is faced with the issue of stopping lactation. Today there is enough
Viferon for guards
"Viferon-3", suppositories for infectious and inflammatory diseases: description, instructions for use, side effects, contraindications
What is Viferon? This is a medicine with antiviral, immunomodulatory properties, belonging to the group of interferons. Women
Dried fruit compote for a nursing mother
Dried fruits during breastfeeding: compotes for nursing mothers with recipes
1 Prepared by: Elena Alex 06/08/2016 Cooking time: 45 min Save I cooked Rate
baby at the table with parents
Stomach hurts when breastfeeding, what medications can be taken
Almost every person faces problems with indigestion and intestinal obstruction. This one will not pass
What kind of fish can be given as complementary food to a child under one year old?
Fish must be included in baby's complementary foods. Without this product, the baby’s body
Treatment should only take place under the supervision of a physician
Relief Advance
Views - 25,404 Women often face such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids right away
what causes colic
Colic in a newborn baby - causes and symptoms
The essence of the problem Colic begins in the first days of a child’s life, passes closer to three months of age,
Magnetic resonance imaging
Is it possible to do an MRI while breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding often lasts more than one month, and sometimes more than one year. In it
What to do if a newborn has hiccups after feeding
A young mother just returned home from the maternity hospital with her baby. Newborn sleeps most of the time
champagne while breastfeeding
Is it possible for a nursing mother to drink champagne? How long does it take for alcohol to be completely removed from breast milk?
It is known that alcohol is contraindicated during breastfeeding. Such drinks have a negative impact on the development and
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