How to properly end breastfeeding?
In what situations and how to carry out emergency cessation of breastfeeding
No matter how long breastfeeding lasts, there comes a time when mommy decides to complete this important
Mom and baby
Proper latching of a newborn to the breast
Why do you need to put your baby to the breast correctly? Proper attachment of your child is considered the foundation
Bananas for breastfeeding: PROS and CONS of introducing them into the diet of a nursing mother, health benefits and harms
Banana: fruit or berry The word “bananas” translated from Latin means “fruit of the wise
Rule for taking painkillers
What painkillers can you use while breastfeeding for toothache, headache, menstruation and after cesarean section?
Rules for taking painkillers When using painkillers while breastfeeding, you must follow the following rules: Take
Menstruation after childbirth while breastfeeding
Carrying a baby is a happy and hectic period for any woman. The expectant mother has
We increase breast milk lactation with folk remedies
Drinking plenty of fluids The importance of this factor is difficult to overestimate. For reference: the volume of food of a child of the first year
Why can a woman have one breast larger than the other?
Why is one breast smaller than the other and 11 more “indecent” questions about your body
Sometimes it happens that a woman has one breast larger than the other, and it is not known why
What foods can and cannot be consumed by a nursing mother?
Despite the recommendations of some doctors, nursing mothers do not have to follow a strict diet. Diet
“Golden rules” of first complementary feeding
When and how to start baby's first complementary feeding: basic rules
11.11.201617.09.2020 Nadezhda Plotnikova Complementary feeding is the food prescribed to infants when they reach a certain age
When to introduce complementary foods while breastfeeding
First complementary foods when breastfeeding - diagram and table, sample menu
Any parent understands that introducing the first complementary foods while breastfeeding is a very responsible matter.
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